Note: If you're looking for help with updating your Apollo Neuro™ Firmware, please visit this article.
Current Firmware
iOS & Android 2.0.29
- Bug fixes and improvements
To enable the newest features and improvements...
Please be sure to keep your Apollo wearable updated with the latest firmware.
Past firmware updates
2.0.24 (iOS & Android)
- Bug fixes and improvements
2.0.21 (iOS & Android)
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Support for new SmartVibes features added
2.0.11 (iOS & Android)
- iOS and Android now running the same firmware
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Functionality for SmartVibes added/improved
2.0.7 (iOS)
- Bug Fixes and improvements
2.0.0 (iOS)
- Bug Fixes and improvements
1.7.10 (Android)
- Improvements with connection reliability and battery performance.
1.5.4 (Android only)
Released January 14th, 2023
Improvements to the device firmware update procedure
Improvements to battery display indicator
Released March 30th, 2023
Vibe pauses for longer than 5 minutes will be treated as a stop.
Prioritization of manual & scheduled Vibes and Stay Asleep adjusted.
Released December 23rd, 2022
Improvements to battery life, scheduling, usage, and Bluetooth connectivity.
Released December 2nd, 2022
Improvements to core functionality related to device connection and scheduling.
Released July 6th, 2022
Improved off-body detection
Support for upcoming features
Bug fixes
Released December 3, 2021
Make two-button gestures easier (start/stop wave)
Support scheduling modes
Improved Wave Patterns
Make firmware reset easier to perform
Switch to nicer yellow
Fix random crash on startup
Fixed a bug that caused exiting from airplane mode to be handled improperly
Fixed a bug that caused the device buttons appeared to be stuck
Implementation of new accelerometer features
Simplified fuel gauge handling
Improvements in battery life and performance.
Improvements with Bluetooth connectivity for Android devices.
Improvements to remote troubleshoot and diagnostics.
Improvements on the accuracy of reported battery level.
Upgraded LED light indicators to match the instructions included in Apollo Neuro quickstart guide.