We know that most people love their Apollos and our data shows the benefits regular users are receiving! Word of mouth and gift purchases continue to be main drivers of sales. Unfortunately, there are some platforms where people only leave reviews if they are very frustrated. We monitor these complaints and address them, but they can deter people who might otherwise purchase.
We would love your help to give prospective customers a balanced and accurate understanding of the Apollo experience! Your feedback helps us reach as many people as possible and reach our goal of bringing our customers 100 million minutes of extra sleep by 2025.
We are also growing as a company and want to make sure that we are meeting our customers' needs. We don't want to offer later phone support if what you really need is weekend phone support!
Leave us an honest review/feedback at one of these sites, and we'll provide one month free of SmartVibes. Leave a review at all three sites, and we'll provide three free months of SmartVibes! Just send a screenshot of your review(s) to Customer Service. Offer applies to new and current SmartVibes users.
1. Trustpilot
2. The iTunes app store or Google Play app store
3. Our Customer Support Preference form (screenshot the submit confirmation)
As always, if there is anything that customer service can do to improve your experience, don't hesitate to let us know.